What to Say to Someone Who Has Passed Away
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Knowing what to say when someone dies when talking to a friend, family member, colleague or anyone who has lost someone dear to them, is an incredibly sensitive topic.
Grief is different for everyone. It manifests itself differently in different people and no one person's experience of grief is the same. As a result, there isn't one formula for knowing what to say when someone dies.
However, knowing examples of what you might say to convey sympathy and support for those who are grieving is a good first step towards being there and helping someone who has suffered a loss.
Charities that support both adults and children coping with grief and loss share their insights and advice on what to say when someone dies below. Along with advice on what to do to support anyone in your life who has suffered a bereavement.
What to say when someone dies
Being aware of how your words come across and can be construed by anyone mourning a loss is the first step to knowing what to say when someone dies.
Pam, a volunteer for The Bereavement Trust, told us that while it is quite normal for people to be afraid to contact those who are bereaved, because they don't know what to say, it is so important remember that a friendly voice gives so much comfort to those who are going through a sad, confusing, lonely and worrying time.
'When someone loses a loved one they need to talk,' Pam explained. 'We at the Bereavement Trust think the most important thing is to listen, to be understanding and show empathy.
'Those who have lost someone feel such pain and anxiety and need to know that you care for them and will be there for them, whenever needed. They will feel extreme loneliness and need regular contact from friends and family to help support them.'
Your friend or family member will need a lot of support during this difficult time. (Credit: Getty)
'Be patient, understanding and only give advice if asked. Grief takes time to start to heal and may take months or several years.'
If you need more information or support, you can get in touch with The Bereavement Trust by visiting their website or calling their free national helpline on 0800 435 455.
What to say when someone is grieving
Here are some suggestions from Cruse Bereavement Care if you are finding it difficult to know what to say when someone dies:
- "I don't know what to say but I am so sorry to hear this news."
- "I am so sorry for your loss – you are in my thoughts."
- "I'm so sad to hear this and I'm here if you need to talk."
- "He/she was such a wonderful person/so selfless – full of positivity/kindness [whatever feels appropriate] – they will be hugely missed."
- "He/she will be missed so much – they were so special. You are in my thoughts."
- "I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. I cannot imagine how devastated you are."
- "So very shocked and saddened by this sad news. Hard to believe [name] has gone. I am here when you need me."
- "This is so heartbreaking – I wish I could be there to give you a hug."
- "I cannot imagine the hole that she/he will have left. If you need anything, let me know."
Andy Langford, Clinical Director at Cruse Bereavement Care, a charity that works to offer support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies, spoke to us for this article:
'The most important thing is to not worry about saying the wrong thing. Often, there isn't a "right" thing to say. The feeling will come across and it is more important that you say something than that you find the perfect words.'
Andy's advice, if you are struggling with what to say when someone dies, is to not avoid the truth by acknowledging the news of the death when talking to a someone by sharing your condolences, saying how sorry you are that their friend or relative has died.
Remind the person who is bereaved that you are there for them. (Credit: Getty)
You should also remind the person who is bereaved that you are there for them. You can say this in person, send a card, text or email. However you get in touch, it is important to do so and can mean the world when someone is feeling isolated in their grief.
If you are struggling, you can get in touch with Cruse by calling their free National Helpline on 0808 808 1677 or visiting their website.
What to say when someone dies if talking to a bereaved parent or sibling
What to say when someone dies – examples of phrases that are supportive and helpful:
- "I am so sorry to hear about your loss"
- Share memories and look at photos if the parent wishes
- "What has been the hardest to bear today?"
- "How are you managing , today"
- "I'd love to take the dog for a walk/get the shopping for you today"
- "Would you like to have a warm bath /sleep whilst I take the kids to the park?"
- "Tell me, about your child/father/mother/family member/friend – what were they like?" (if appropriate)
- "I remember when ……." share recollections of times with the person who died.
Nicola Whitworth, founder of SLOW, a charity that works with bereaved parents and siblings, spoke to us about their work: 'At SLOW we run support groups for bereaved parents, run by bereaved parents. The groups are for every parent who has lost a child of any age, and in any circumstances, at any point after their loss.'
Based on Nicola's personal experience and her experience working for bereaved parents through SLOW, she has compiled a list below of what to say when someone dies to bring comfort, salve and relief.
As a caveat to the list below Nicola advises: 'It's worth noting that those who are bereaved are hurting in a way impossible to imagine. On some days, nothing anyone could say would be ok, as the grief is so intense, and the world so wrong, that it can feel that there is no consolation.
'Therefore, my suggestion is that an overarching sensitivity, presence and willingness to be there for someone in grief is the most valuable gift that can be given by a friend or family member towards a grieving individual.
'As a culture, we literally cannot bear the pain of loss. So, to be able to listen to someone without 'trying to make it better' or overlaying someone's feelings of grief with advice, opinion, or judgement, is the most important thing.'
'Generally, it's felt that to be present and unafraid to sit quietly with someone whilst they cry, talk or just remain quiet is the most helpful,' Nicola explains. 'A listening ear is the most appreciated quality.'
Don't be afraid to sit quietly with someone who is grieving. (Credit: Getty)
'It's fine to cry and show that you share in their sorrow, but remember it's their sorrow and not yours, so make them the centre.
'You will not upset a grieving person by mentioning the name of their loved one, and sharing your own memories By talking about their loved one, you are not 'reminding' them – they have not forgotten!'
If you need more information, support or are struggling, you can get in touch with SLOW by visiting their website or getting in touch with their London Support Groups via phone on 07532 423 674.
What to say to children when someone dies
Suzie Phillips, associate director at Winston's Wish, a charity that supports children and their families after the death of a parent or sibling, has shared her professional advice with us based on her many years of experience working, counselling and teaching on this incredibly sensitive topic:
'Adults can be worried about talking to children about a death because they worry that they will somehow make it worse and cause the child distress. However, the line we often use is 'nothing you can say can make it worse because the worse has already happened',' Suzie explained to us.
'As a general guidance what we say to anybody that might be coming into contact with a bereaved child is acknowledge the death.
'Adults can often feel that they need to have all the answers, which can put people off talking about it in the first place but actually the most important thing is just being there and listening.
If an adult acknowledges a child's loss, it may take some of the pressure off them to bring it up. (Credit: Getty)
'It might be ok to say 'I heard your grandma died, I'm here if you want to talk' or 'I hear that someone has died, I'm sorry to hear that' for example.
'Also, as children might worry about bringing their bereavement up themselves, for an adult to start by saying that and acknowledging the loss, it may take some of the pressure off them and be enough to make them feel more comfortable.
'Sometimes for children that will be enough – that you have acknowledged the loss in their lives and shown your support of them.
'Afterwards, just spending time together with the child so they don't feel alone, is enough without talking further about the death. Going for a walk, playing football, doing an activity together will allow space and time for conversations to organically happen about the lost loved one.'
Suzie told us that it is always advisable to try and talk to the families first before talking to a child about the loss of a loved one, just so you are aware of how much the child knows about the death.
Once you have acknowledged the death of a loved one with a grieving child, Suzie also expressed how important it is to help the young person continue to feel connected to the person who has died:
'Making memories such as memory boxes or memory jars or even just talking about the person who has passed away is really important to help children maintain that connect with a person even when they have died. This can provide comfort and solace to children who are grieving.'
Give children the chance to express what they are feeling. (Credit: Getty)
It's really important, Suzie explained, that children have their feelings validated when they are grieving. That they have a chance to express what they are feeling. For little children, they will also need help in putting words and names to what they are feeling.
'Using phrases such as 'Are you feeling sad today?' Or, 'are you missing someone today?' Or, 'are you feeling sad or angry right now?' can help children identify and express their emotions.'
Saying something like 'I wonder if you're angry because you're feeling very worried?' will help children to understand their emotions and feelings. It's important to do this instead of reacting to their anger, changed temperament or personality with criticism.
'It's harder for children to grieve because they have not yet built up that complete adult understanding of those emotions and feelings yet to express themselves,' Suzie explained.
'They need to know it's okay to feel whatever they are feeling. Grief is an isolating experience for adults and children alike. So children need to know that what they are feeling is normal. They need to reassured that there isn't a right or wrong way to grieve.'
If you are struggling or need help and further expert advice on supporting a grieving child or young person after the death of a loved one, you can get in touch with Winston's Wish by calling their free national helpline on 08088 020 021 or visit their website.
Additional support, useful links and free services for the bereaved
If you need to speak someone, are struggling, have lost a loved one yourself or are looking for help or further advice on how to support someone who is bereaved, these fantastic charities are ready and waiting to assist anyone in need. You may find the following resources helpful:
The Good Grief Trust – thegoodgrieftrust.org
Cruse – Free helpline: 0808 808 1677 – cruse.org.uk
Child Bereavement UK – Free helpline: 0800 02 88840 – childbereavementuk.org
Winston's Wish – Free national helpline on 08088 020 021 – winstonswish.org
Child Death Helpline – Free helpline: 0800 282 986
Grief Encounter – Free helpline: 0808 802 0111 – griefencounter.org.uk
Bereavement Trust – Free helpline: 0800 435 455 – bereavement-trust.org.uk
Sands – Free confidential helpline for anyone affected by the death of a baby: 0808 164 3332 – sands.org.uk
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide – 0300 111 5065 – uksobs.org
The Lullaby Trust – Support helpline: 0808 802 6868 – lullabytrust.org.uk
SLOW – slowgroup.co.uk
Young Minds – youngminds.org.uk
COVID-19 Bereavement National Helpline – 0800 2600 400
What to Say to Someone Who Has Passed Away
Source: https://www.goodto.com/family/what-to-say-when-someone-dies-551732
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